Over 450 'pots' of drugs is in Bogota year moving about 300 billion pesos
Every 20 seconds, three to five grams of cocaine, coca base, or marijuana bazuco pass from the hand of a peasant to that of a consumer in the streets of the capital. The figure comes from a simple calculation: in 10 months this year, police seized just over 3 million 800 thousand grams of hallucinogens, an average of 8.8 grams per minute.
The drug circulating in the streets Bogota could rise to 16 grams per minute, as according to international standards is only half of the confiscated drugs that produce gangs, but police only marries the unsuspecting figure. It is the retail market, known by authorities as the microtráfico, which intensified in the past two years and spread like a cancer throughout all the cities of Bogota. For the authorities, is a marketing strategy aimed at drug consumption. Is to distribute and sell drugs in small quantities, often at personal dose limit allowed by law in Colombia. A dose of marijuana contains no more than five grams.It is the highest. The coca base is between 1 and 3.5 and the bazuco between 1 and 2. The cocaine, usually, is 1 gram, police said. The mic is also the cost of the drug. A ballot of marijuana sold on the street in 1500 dollars, that of bazuco in 2000, coca base and cocaine in 8000 at 15,000. The more expensive ones are heroin or ecstasy, which are sold in 20 thousand dollars.
Therefore, in this street traffic coins between 50 and 500 pesos are a treasure, like the notes of a thousand and two thousand dollars. "We believe the petty cash microtráfico like the mafia," said Col. Juan Carlos Rojas Medina, coordinator of 266 officers assigned to fighting drugs in Bogota. A petty cash, in currency and coin in weight in weight, moving a year about 300 billion pesos. Cash!, An amount equivalent to what they pay every year for tax Bogota vehicles.
The Bogota Sijin (Judicial Police) has identified 458 'pots' and outlets and estimates that moves each week between 12 and 13 million pesos.After one month, may be about 24 billion in all 'pots'. That costs or megacolegios build two pedestrian bridges installed 12 of the metal used in the TransMilenio system. Although microtráfico is spread throughout the city, the locality with the highest incidence of drug trafficking is Martyrs (center), where the 'pot' of the Bronx, the most dangerous.
Then there Ciudad Bolivar, Santa Fe and San Cristobal, according to Hall. In the structure of microtráfico, gangs are on the Jivaro head and the base. In the middle, from top to bottom, are the lieutenants, the frontmen (who launder the money) and controllers or managers of outlets and 'pot'.
The latter, but effective invisible tentacles of the gangs in the city. They receive the drug in bulk, to weigh, package, mark it and put it on the street, at retail, through the hands of the Jivaro who also recruit, according to the strata to allocate the drug. Lieutenant Joshua Ivan Alvarez Barco, deputy chief of Narcotics Investigative Unit, warns that no single profile of Jivaro."You find from a person dressed in a suit and tie, which goes to a shorts and flip flops. Neither Colonel Rojas nor his men dare to calculate the number of people who make up this army drug dealer retail.
They may be hidden in candy stand, walking down the street with a knapsack on his back, bike, motorcycle, at the entrance to schools, on the corner of a neighborhood, in clubs, online or on 'pot' as the Bronx where human decay manifests itself in all its magnitude. So while not lowering their guard in the capture and prosecution of the Jivaro, the daily challenge of these cops are the drivers of the 'pots'. They would follow the trail through the mark you put that distribute drugs on the street and that microtráfico parlance is known as 'hook'. There are four common: Purple, American, National and Homer. For the color and brand of wrapping paper on which the doses of drugs, Sijin has identified the districts and localities where they operate. "We realize that our strength is dislocate the organized gangs that are bringing the problem to the city," says Colonel Rojas.
Speech by Samuel Moreno Rojas en Guadalajara, Mexico
Bogota headquarters for the Pan American Games. .
Full text of what he said the mayor of Bogota. The city struggles to host the Pan American Games 2015.Today I stand before you to carry Bogota headquarters of Pan American Games and Parapan 2015, which is our purpose country and city and also the desire and the dream of our people. I speak for the 8 million Bogota and Bogota who live in our great city. Many were not born there, but all are Bogota, Bogota is the city because of each and everyone who comes to it, because it is the capital of rights and opportunities. Bogota is the synthesis of the diversity of our country and its cultures, from the Caribbean to the Amazon and from the Orinoco to the Pacific.It is also the engine of the economy of Colombia and the epicenter of their hopes. In a privileged hour in which the world looks to South America, urged the brotherly people of Brazil that make the Olympics in 2016, with immense pride, I want to show what is now our city. A little more than a century, Bogotá could not have 100,000 people. Today is one of the 40 biggest cities of the planet, the first of the Andean Region and the sixth to do business in Latin America. Besides being a competitive city, attractive and strategic foreign investment, thanks to its economic strength, to its prime location and the quality and diversity of its services. Not in vain there are 800 companies based multinationals. A fast-paced, our city is experiencing for decades an immense process of transformation that has won over 15 international awards and recognition in the 10 ten years and the city have become a benchmark for other latitudes. We have shown the financial and managerial ability to successfully develop large infrastructure projects: giant libraries and schools, hospitals, sports venues, parks very long, miles of bike paths and innovation with mass public transport network and now with the TransMilenio implementation of the Integrated Public Transport and the first line of Metro. A triple A-rated city in its fiscal management and high investment capacity, that make your finances better support to guarantee the resources needed to implement the Pan American Games and Parapan. Bogota takes a huge social investment effort that has earned internationally recognized to be a case in reducing poverty and improving the overall quality of life for its citizens. We have made enormous strides in a short time in ensuring the right to education and free coverage total in the guarantee to free health also with vulnerable populations;and the right to food with significant increases in weight and height of our children, recently verified by international scientific publications.
The importance of healthy environment
Consistent with the city we are building rights, my government has taken head-on commitment to guarantee the right to a healthy environment. In little over a year, our management began to show results with the comprehensive strategy to clean the air, improving the quality of diesel, which takes place in significant reductions of particulate matter. Added to this is planting over 100,000 trees in public spaces, the effective control of the dumping of our major rivers and the protection of our wetlands and their fauna and flora. Thanks to the commitment of government and the private sector's active participation, the game will stage a green city, a city that thinks about the future of coming generations. Not surprisingly, we have planned that most sporting events the Pan American Games held in the main lung of the city: El Parque Simón Bolívar.A huge green space with trees, water, trails and sports infrastructure, which are accustomed Bogotanos sports. Modernization to host the Games will be very valuable for the consolidation of the sporting habits among our citizens.
The commitment to the Pan American Village
Alongside the Great park built by the Pan American Village Urban Renewal process, based on self-financing from the lot of the work, from their reuse once the games conclude. This is not something new for our city, a leader in the Urban Renewal 287 hectares of the city and recovered. In addition, the district government, in full, has already given the project viability, because it is a commitment in building the Olympic Village and we showed with facts that we plan, make and meet our goals.
The importance of the Games
Bogota has never had the honor to make a Pan American Games. There are other event, or some games for us, but are absolutely essential for all. Because we see in them a glimmer of hope, an ideal opportunity to promote new development processes, more and better living conditions for inclusion and for peace. Amid a clear horizon to overcome the adversities that have marked our country, we now have the ability to seize this opportunity, let us make it a reality, with the support and willingness of you, ladies and gentlemen. We have the ideal infrastructure: 400 sports schools, 10 high performance schools, a regional park, 20 parks and 5,000 metropolitan neighborhood level, 347 kilometers and 121 kilometers of bicycle paths and bike path where all Bogota Bogota and went out to walk, run, jogging, regardless of differences. We have the desire, as shown by surveys conducted by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota dreams do the games. Our population fully supports this initiative. We are committed not only cities but country and many Latin American brothers. We have the required experience because we are constantly mass sports and cultural events such as the Bogota Half Marathon, the Summer Festival, the Iberoamerican Theater Festival, the Festival Rock al Parque. In 2011 we will make the World Youth Cup, which will help us refine our expertise and to develop a Cultural Agenda without history. We have the time, talent and determination to learn from the best world experience and apply them. We have built a culture around sports city that makes us able to host the Games. There are other games, it's not another city. It Bogota. Our history is now. We want a city at peace with itself, more linked to the country and the region and better relations with the world. The Games are our historic opportunity to show our leadership, strengthen our democracy and our ability to build nations and continents. Therefore, we deserve to make the Pan American Games and Parapan the Festival of Peace for all peoples of America, in Colombia and Bogota in 2015. This is our moment, thank you very much
Spanish Link : http://www.inbogota.com/transporte/ciclovia.htm
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