1.Six out of 10 seats are held by women in the District, but have no control
Unemployment strikes them most to them in Bogota's 9.2 percent unemployment rate in men and 10.2 in women.
While men's average salary is $ 1'086 .746, for women is $ 833,040.
Most women (46 percent) are working in positions of care and very few are in managerial levels (2.8 percent), finally make the decisions.
By contrast, in the case of men who occupy four out of ten positions in the administration-most are in professional positions (36.7 percent) and the 5.26 percent personal drive, decides and manages offices.
Today, a figure of 20,925 employees in the District, 12,152 are women and 8773 men.
This was revealed by a careful study by the liberal councilman Angela Benedetti, working on equity in Bogota, taking as its starting point a database of 66 district entities and information compiled from official sources, such as the Dane and the Government Service Civil.
Aid workers refer to administrative support activities, complementary to the tasks of the higher levels and, sometimes, are characterized by the predominance of manual activities or tasks of simple execution.
"In discrimination, there is a cultural background that persists in the idea that men's wages is to maintain the house and the superficialities of women also are viewed as a workload to become mothers," said Benedetti.
They are the best prepared
Likewise, unemployment hits the most to them: is the 9.2 percent unemployment rate in men and 10.2 percent in women.
In overall numbers, according to the accounts of the council Benedetti, men outnumber women at the managerial level: 462 versus 347.
"Statistics show us that when public policy decisions in Bogota, is not properly counting the feminine approach," said Benedetti, who yesterday launched an appeal to close this gap.
Finally, Benedetti said it is not for lack of preparation that women would not ascend to leadership positions in the District, because, according to official figures, there are five women with university degrees, compared to four for men in Bogota.
2.Aquatic plant world's largest flower in the Botanical Gardens of Bogotá after 14 years
These plants grow in natural conditions in the warm waters of the Amazon. In Bogota, it took a process that began in 1975.
Today the capital can see, from 8 in the morning and for three days, flowering under artificial conditions of the Victoria Amazonica.
The Victoria Regia, as is known in Colombia can only open their flowers when in natural conditions in the Amazon rainforest. However, this is the third time that blooms at the Botanical Garden of the capital. The first was in 1975 and the other in 1995.
The Victoria is a plant that normally grows wild in the gaps still, shallow, muddy waters bordering the great rivers of the Amazon basin.
"The first tests, conducted for germination occurred in 1975," says Professor Francisco Sanchez, technical adviser to the deputy director of the Botanical Garden.
Then came the acclimation of these plants.This process was necessary to take into account factors such as filtering sunlight, soil conditioning, the 'aeration' of water and control of pests and diseases, which was not allowed to develop naturally.
An event not to miss
This plant normally blooms every two or three months, has a life of five years and is characterized by a flower, which is similar to that of the lotus, with the only difference that this can measure up to 30 inches in diameter . The flower can be seen for three days, while making the process of pollination.
"Their reach round leaves have a diameter of about two meters wide, which can withstand even a child," says Duván Channel, assistant deputy director of education and culture of the Botanical Garden.
In fact, adds Canal in Bogota, we have that these conditions make themselves even though we are in the 2,600 meters and that he is caring in artificial conditions, with a solar panel system that, to date, responsible for maintaining the optimum temperature between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius.
Today, this plant, according to the directives of the Botanic Garden, will open its flower.
Initially will expelerá white and smells like apricot and then closes. The second day will change to purple and will open again and the third will close to complete pollination.
The Bogotá Botanical Garden is a small sample of the nature that God gave to our country and we must take care of it, there teach us how to care for and preserve it so preserve the lives of our future children... Also we can find a great knowledge and you can find very old plants, ferns, roses, there are patriotic emblems of our country as the orchid and palm wax. It`s a spectacular place to interact with the nature!
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