According to one survey by the Issuer, drastically lowered expectations, which are so loose meet the target set by the Central Bank of 2 to 4%.
Expectations in the April survey yielded 3.60 percent compared to the survey resulting in March, according to the outcome of the consultation revealed this Thursday night by the Issuer.
Projections of the 47 analysts surveyed ranged 4.10 or 1.92 percent and for the year-end. However, in April, analysts on average forecast that inflation will be located at 0.36 percent, slightly higher than the 0.32 percent who scored in the same month of 2009, said the consultation.
The projections ranged between 0.15 and 0.55 percent in April. Consumer prices in March rose 0.25 percent, a surprise to the market had expected an average of 0.62 percent.
Faced with declining inflation expectations, analysts revised down their forecasts for benchmark interest rate the central bank to close this year to an average of 3.95 percent from 4.28 percent showed the March survey.
According to most analysts, the first rate increase would occur in October, from 25 basis points, and not September, as expected in last month's survey. By 2011, analysts on average estimated that inflation would end at 3.31 percent.
Strong opinion
Colombia reported in 2009 an inflation of 2 percent, the lowest in the last 54 years amid the slowing economy, which grew by 0.4 percent.
The Government set a target of gross domestic product growth of 2.5 percent for 2010, which experts say would not generate inflationary pressures concern. Meanwhile, the Central Bank survey showed that the weight close to 2010 in 1959.96 per U.S. dollar, which is appreciated 4.12 percent against the end of 2009, 2044.23.
Even expectations of the strength of the local currency by the end of this year increased compared to the March survey, when analysts expected on average 1988.01 per U.S. dollar. At the end of April, ending in 1917.51 weight units, the survey said.
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